ABK says paper leak broker no more its member

ITANAGAR, 28 Oct: The Adi Bane Kebang (ABK) on Friday clarified that Jobomchang Mengu, who has been named as one of the brokers in the APPSC paper leak case and is currently absconding, “is no more connected to the ABK as he was relieved from the post of spokesperson on 24 August, 2022, and therefore his name should not be used as an ABK office bearer, nor his name be mixed with the ABK and its activities henceforth.”

Strongly condemning the paper leak case, ABK president Tadum Libang demanded “most stringent punishment against all the persons involved, from top to bottom in the hierarchy of the APPSC, and all other brokers who acted as conduits for the notorious officers and officials accused of involving in the said corrupt practices.”

Stating that the ABK has already appointed Vijay Taram as its official spokesman, the ABK president said that “Mengu should immediately surrender and cooperate with the investigating agencies and no Adi should give him refuge and shield him from arrest.”

He further said that “corruption affects all communities and is not the domain of any particular race, community, or tribe.”

“We are all equally victimised whenever any corrupt action takes place. Corruption is done for private profiteering; it is inherently individualistic in its form and nature. It always takes place for private interest, for the purpose of personal gratifications. Therefore, there is absolutely no room for blaming any community for the illegal transactions between private individuals undertaken for illegal personal gratifications,” Libang said, adding that “every single person found playing with the dreams and aspirations of the youths and the future of Arunachal Pradesh should be taken to task with iron hands and be brought to justice for their evil designs and action.”