KOLORIANG, 12 Nov: A three-day training programme on the ‘People’s plan campaign for gram panchayat development plan (GPDP) and district panchayat development plan (DPDP) 2023-24’ concluded here in Kurung Kumey district on Saturday.
Sarli ZPM Pisa Yaha Bengia, who inaugurated the programme, urged the HoDs and frontline workers of the line department to “compulsorily participate in the planning process for its success,” and requested the heads of line departments to coordinate with the PRI members.
Nyapin ADC Otem Jamoh suggested to the PRI representatives to “focus on the SPICE model of planning process in the planning season.”
DPDO Ejum Angu spoke on the importance of the training programme. SIRD&PR Assistant Director Tamar Baki was the course director.
Sangram ZPM Hiba Memak, Lower Koloriang ZPM Bengia Tashi, Upper Koloriang ZPM Bengia Tayang, HoDs, all member secretaries, GPCs, GPMs, and SHGs of the district attended the programme. (DIPRO)