Guv greets people on Longte, Bohag Bihu

ITANAGAR, 14 Apr: Governor KT Parnaik conveyed greetings to the people of the state on the occasion of Longte festival and expressed hope that the festival would usher in happiness and prosperity in the society.

“On this auspicious occasion, I offer my prayers to the almighty to shower blessings for the good of all living beings,” the Governor said in his message.

The Governor also greeted the people on the occasion of Bohag Bihu.

“May this year’s Bohag Bihu bring fraternal love, goodwill and affection amongst the people of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam and inspire us to strive for the unity, integrity and solidarity of the nation and also bring progress and well being for all,” he said. (Raj Bhavan)