DC reviews RI status in Lohit

TEZU, 19 Jun: Lohit DC Shashvat Saurabh reviewed the status of the routine immunisation (RI) programme in the district during a meeting of the district task force on immunisation here on Monday.

The DC instructed DMO Dr CL Manchay and the CDPOs to work together to achieve the target.

He emphasised on “active coordination between anganwadi workers and ASHAs,” and spoke on the importance of digital technologies for real-time monitoring of immunisation activities.

The district programme manager presented the status of RI in the district, and the medical officers of Sunpura, Wakro, Loiliang and Tafragam presented the status of routine immunisation in their respective jurisdictions.

Administrative officers, the DDSE and the Tezu CDPO also attended the meeting. (DIPRO)