Plantation prog organised

NAMSAI, 3 Jul: The students, teachers and staffers of the VKV here on Monday planted saplings in the school campus as part of the 74th Van Mahotsav.

The programme was organised by the forest department, in collaboration with the district administration.

Deputy Commissioner CR Khampa, who planted the first sapling, urged the students to “nurture the saplings as the saplings will bear fruits for future generation and will be a source of habitation for birds and insects, which will aid in maintaining the ecological balance of Mother Earth.”

He also urged all the HoDs and HoOs to “make concerted efforts to plant trees in their offices and quarter campuses.”

The forest department provided the saplings to the school authority, and requested that every student plant and adopt a sapling “till it is well-acclimated to the new environment.” (DIPRO)