Trg prog on pest mgmt, horticulture

LOGUM JINI, 11 Jul: Forty-seven farmers from Logum Jini, Biru and Eyi villages participated in a training programme on ‘Integrated pest and disease management in rice’, conducted here in West Siang district on Monday.

The farmers were trained in integrated pest management, with emphasis on management of rice hopper complex, case worm, rice bug, and blight diseases, and in pest management in citrus.

The programme was organised by Pasighat (East Siang)-based College of Horticulture & Forestry, in collaboration with the Digital India Corporation.

The staffers of Arik Abik Lunom demonstrated how to use the Umang app.

On Tuesday, 68 farmers participated in a training programme on ‘Horticulture-based integrated farming system’ in Darka in West Siang district.

Principal investigator of the m4agri project, Dr Saroj Kumar Pattanaaik apprised the farmers of the technology of harvesting water in the hilly terrain and utilising the water for irrigating horticultural crops “in micro-mode,” while KVK scientist Toge Riba explained pest and disease management in different horticultural crops, including citrus, and District Agriculture Officer Margi Ete encouraged the farmers to take up millet cultivation.