BJP only party to address people’s aspirations: CM

JOLLANG, 23 Jul: Chief Minister Pema Khandu said that the BJP “is the only party that will address the aspirations the state’s people,” and added that the Centre is “working very hard to transform India at the highest level on all fronts.”

Addressing the valedictory function of the state BJP’s two-day programme themed ‘alpkalin vistarak’ here on Sunday, the CM also highlighted the various developmental activities initiated by the party in the state in the last seven years, the state BJP’s media department co-convener Nima Sange informed in a release.

He further quoted the CM as saying that, “all sectors in the state have witnessed transformation, and that “the state government’s initiatives should reach the grassroots level through the karyakartas.”

On the first day of the programme, which was inaugurated by state BJP president Biyuram Wahge, BJP general secretary (organisation) Ananta Narayan Mishra briefed the participant on the activities assigned to the alpakalin vistarak, “who will be sent to different districts and mandals in the state.”

Wahge commended the party workers for their efforts to strengthen the party in the state, and congratulated “the vistarak who are selected and trained for the backbone of the party,” the release read.

“Urging all karyakartas to maintain discipline and build good character while discharging their duties at different places, Wahge said that the party, under Khandu’s leadership, will make every effort to win 60 assembly seats in the 2024 election in the state,” the release added.

Mishra on his part highlighted “the journey of the BJP and the various developmental activities of the party at the Centre and in the state,” it said.

State BJP general secretary Nalong Mize urged all the vistarak and aplkalin vistarak to “know about the details of the BJP in its various achievements in the state,” the release stated.