NGOs clean Itanagar gonpa

ITANAGAR, 28 Jul: On the occasion of the World Nature Conservation Day, NGOs Abralow Memorial Multipurpose Society and Youth Mission for Clean River, in collaboration with the Itanagar Smart City Development Corporation Limited, organised a cleanliness drive at the Itanagar gonpa on Friday.

“The initiative, which was a part of the Yagamso River Rejuvenation Project (YRRP), was aimed at preserving the sanctity of the Buddhist shrine and raise awareness about the importance of keeping the environment clean,” the NGOs informed in a release.

“Despite the inclement weather, volunteers from all walks

of life gathered at the gonpa and cleaned the premises from the main gate to the cafeteria area,” the release said, adding that the premises of the gonpa had “amassed considerable litter over time.”

YRRP coordinator Prem Taba emphasised the significance of preserving the gonpa’s cleanliness and tranquillity, and said that, “while the Tawang monastery, the Itanagar Buddhist Cultural Society and caretakers play an essential role, the onus of keeping the place garbage-free rests on every citizen’s shoulders.”

Highlighting the collective responsibility towards public assets, Taba urged individuals to play a proactive role in safeguarding this revered location.

During the clean-up, “intravenous drug abuse and littered meth substances were found scattered across the premises,” YRRP assistant coordinator Keyom Doni said.

Expressing concern over the impact of drug abuse on the youths and the community at large, Doni appealed to the competent authorities to “take necessary measures to curb this menace among youngsters.”

A truckload of garbage was removed from the gonpa’s premises.

Doni urged visitors to the gonpa to “treat it with utmost respect and care.”

“As a holy place and a biodiversity-rich area, preserving it for future generations should be a shared commitment of the community,” Doni added.