Governor visits border posts

ITANAGAR, 30 Jul: Governor KT Parnaik on Saturday visited the forward post of the 55th battalion of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) at Khinzemane, near the line of actual control (LAC), in Tawang district, and laid a wreath at the memorial of the martyrs of the Battle of Khinezemane in the 1962 Sino-India war.

He also offered prayers at the locally revered ‘holy tree’, which relates to the entry of His Holiness the Dalai Lama into India in 1959.

The governor interacted with the personnel of the ITBP and encouraged them to

remain alert and dedicated in their duty towards maintaining the territorial integrity of the nation.

55 Bn ITBP Commandant Vikrant Thapliyal briefed the governor about the post and security measures.

The governor also visited the Surba Samba post and laid a wreath at the Namkachu war memorial.

Parnaik addressed the troops, including troops of the Maratha Light Infantry, the Gorkha Regiment, the ITBP and the SSB.

He expressed appreciation for the “good coordination and cooperation that prevails amongst the armed forces, the local administration and the population,” and asked the security forces to assist the villagers and the local administration in the implementation of the Vibrant Villages Programme (VVP) in Zemithang.

Earlier, 190 Mountain Brigade Commander Brig NM Bendigeri briefed the governor about the posts along the LAC and security deployment in the sector.

Local MLA Tsering Lhamu, Tawang Deputy Commissioner Kangki Darang, SP DW Thungon, and Tawang ZPC Leki Norbu were present on the occasion.

At the Gorzam Chorten gonpa in Zemithang, the governor had an exhaustive interaction with the GBs, PRI members and youths. He advised the people with regard to various issues, and motivated them to participate in making the VVP a success story.

He advised the GBs and panchayat leaders to “encourage physical activities amongst the youths and explore self-employment avenues by starting vocational courses, training on health and hygiene and tourism-related activities for the youths of the area.”

The governor also emphasised on preservation of the environment and the flora and fauna in their natural form.

“These gifts of nature will be a source of economic empowerment of the local population,” he said. (Raj Bhavan)