Open free libraries inaugurated

TAWANG, 8 Aug: Public leader Tenzin Monpa inaugurated an ‘open free library’ at the secondary school in Kyidphel, while Tawang DC (i/c) Rinchin Leta inaugurated another such library near the giant Buddha statue here on Tuesday.

An initiative of NGO Ketchengha Welfare Association (KWA), these two libraries are the third and the fourth such in the district, as similar libraries were earlier opened at the Yid ga choizin gonpa near the government higher secondary school, and the side of the road near the ALC Colony here.

“We have received requests for such libraries from a few schools in Lungla circle, and the matter is under consideration,” KWA vice chairman Tenzin Lhendup said.

Thanking the KWA for establishing the open library in Kyidphel, public leader Monpa said that “this is a noble initiative and we need to encourage our youngsters to develop the reading habit.”

In Tawang headquarters, interacting with members of the KWA, the DC said that “such activities, like ‘take a book, leave a book’ in the library will encourage a sense of belonging and better utilisation of public properties. Besides, reading habit can keep young minds engaged in grasping knowledge from the books. This brings positive minds together, which in turn can bring positive transformation in society.”

He advised the NGO to “give more awareness and engage more youths for such positive activities for a better society.”

The inaugural programmes were attended by KWA chairman Lobsang Gyurmey, vice chairman Tenzin Lhendup, finance secretary Thupten Dhargey, and other members of the NGO. (DIPRO)