Mansing Lida fetches three gold medals

[ Karda Natam ]

ITANAGAR, 9 Aug: Mansing Lida from Arunachal Pradesh won three gold medals in the swimming championship at the 8th Sanyukta Bharatiya Khel Foundation which was held in Dubai from 31 July to 6 August.

A native of Daporijo, Mansing Lida, who participated in veteran’s category won gold in 100 metre freestyle, 100 metre backstroke, 200 metre freestyle respectively.

On Tuesday, Reri Welfare Society (RWS) organized a warm reception for Lida at Hollongi airport for his splendid performance.

RWS said that his achievements not only brought laurel to the society but will also motivate young budding players to take up games and sports.

Lida has represented the state in many national level swimming competitions and has won many medals.