CM inaugurates Donyi Polo Khumko Naam

KUPORIJO, 19 Sep: Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Monday inaugurated the Donyi Polo Khumko Naam here in Upper Subansiri district, in the presence of Tourism Minister Nakap Nalo, MLAs Rode Bui, Nyato Dukam and Tanya Soki, members of the Tagin Welfare Society, the Nyishi Elite Society and the Galo Welfare Society, and others.

In his address, the CM urged all to maintain the connection with their respective indigenous cultures.

“While development is an integral part of life, it is important that the indigenous people of the state never forget their roots and cherish their rich cultures and traditions,” he said.

He said also that indigenous languages should be popularly spoken in the society, so that every young child learns it naturally.

“Our languages and cultures give us our identity,” he said.

Khandu acknowledged the significance of nyibus (shamans) in preserving the culture and traditions of the Tani tribes, and appealed to all to “always place the nyibus on the highest pedestal, as all cultural traditions as well as festivals revolve around them. Without them, none of our indigenous rituals would be complete.”

“The government is doing all it can to preserve our indigenous cultures and traditions, but all depends on the indigenous communities and their determination to preserve theirs,” the CM said.

He also appealed to the people to not make comparisons between different religions and faiths but to treat every religion with respect.

The CM witnessed the elaborate rituals performed by the nyibu to invoke blessings from Donyi Polo for the wellbeing, good health and long life of all. (CM’s PR Cell)