UNHR alarmed at attack on M’pur activist’s house

IMPHAL, 6 Oct: The United Nations Human Rights (UNHR) has expressed concern over the vandalisation of rights activist Babloo Loitongbam’s residence in Manipur.

Taking to X, the international rights panel has blamed local outfits Meitei Leepun and Arambai Tengol for being behind the incident.

“We are alarmed by threats to human rights defender Babloo Loitongbam by Meitei Leepun & Arambai Tengol groups in Manipur for speaking out on inter-communal violence since May. We urge authorities to protect him, his family & home, & hold perpetrators accountable,” the UNHR wrote on X on Friday.

A mob had vandalised the home of Loitongbam in Kwakeithel area of Imphal West on Thursday evening. Though no one was injured in the attack, there was some damage to his property, the police said.

“Around 30 people came and enquired about Loitongbam and demanded that he give a clarification on statements he made to a media channel after violence first broke out on 3 May,” the police said.

In that interview, Loitongbam had claimed that all churches in the Imphal valley had been demolished.

In a statement purportedly released on social media on Thursday night, Loitongbam clarified, “When violence began in the state, I had in an interview said activities of Arambai Tengol and Meitei Leepun were similar to RSS and these groups had enhanced violence. I want to withdraw these statements. I had also said all churches in Imphal valley had been demolished. This is also false as all the churches of Naga community are still standing. I had said it because I was not there in Manipur at that time and I had heard it from outside sources.”

Loitongbam, however, could not be reached for his comments following the vandalisation of his house. (PTI)