Training prog on incident response system

ITANAGAR, 31 Oct: MLA and adviser to the disaster management minister, Tanpho Wangnow on Tuesday inaugurated a four-day training programme on ‘Incident response system’ (IRS) for civil service officers, police officers and district disaster management officers (DDMO), being organised by the disaster management (DM) department at the DK Conventional Hall here, in the presence of DM Secretary Dani Sulu and DM Director Komkar Dulom.

Addressing the participants, Wangnow spoke about the “distinctive disasters that the state experiences due to varied geographical terrains,” and urged the resources person to “give little more emphasis on state-specific disasters while imparting the training.”

He lauded the DM department for organising the training programme to ensure better and systematic coordination among the stakeholders.

Highlighting the state government’s initiatives with regard to disaster management, he said that “the state government is committed to transform the state into a disaster resilient one.”

He said also that mock exercises are conducted at both district and state levels on a regular basis.

The MLA also released a film titled Disaster Achi, based on the dos and don’ts with regard to disasters.

Dulom in his address explained the importance of IRS, and emphasised that “every stakeholder should be well-versed with it.”

He shared his experience of managing and coordinating with stakeholders during the Covid-19 pandemic, and informed that “IRS is not only effective in managing disaster situations but it can be applied in managing other events also – big or small,” and urged the participants to be “attentive and attend all the sessions of the training.”

The training will be imparted by a resource person from the National Institute of Disaster Management.

DM Deputy Director C Wanglat also spoke.