Wildlife conservation training prog begins at DEMWS

[ Prafulla Kaman ]

PASIGHAT, 4 Dec: A training programme on wildlife conservation along with ‘Asian Water Bird Census Festival,’ organized by the authority of Daying Ering Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary (DEMWS), began at Jopong (Mebo) under Borguli wildlife range in East Siang district on Monday.

The event is a part of the initiatives to conserve flora and fauna and develop eco-tourism spots in the sanctuary and its surrounding areas, Divisional Forest Officer (wildlife) Tasang Taga, said.

The event includes capacity building prorgammes for wildlife field staff, Eco Development Committee members and Community Surveillance and Monitoring teams, the DFO said. The ‘Asian Water Bird Census Festival’ for wildlife enthusiasts, conservationists and birding experts will be organized from 7 to 9 December.

“The training prprgamme includes slideshow, field visit and identification of eco-tourism spots and bird watching points inside the sanctuary,” Taga said. The activities will be organized in all the three ranges of the sanctuary.

PK Roy, a forest zoologist from Delhi working with IUCN, is also participating in the event as resource person.

The six-day event is being organized in collaboration with Eco Development Committee and Community Surveillance and Monitoring teams.