Avail benefits of govt schemes: Guv

CHANGLANG, 9 Dec: Governor KT Parnaik on Friday appealed to the people to “avail maximum benefits from the state and central government schemes and programmes.”

After administering the Viksit Bharat Sankalp pledge to elected representatives, panchayat members, GBs and government officials, Parnaik advised them to “ensure that the villagers of the district staying in remote areas avail benefits from the central government programmes and schemes,” stressing that government services must reach the eligible people who are yet to avail of the benefits.

The governor reviewed the status of the central and state government programmes being implemented in the district, and asked the heads of departments to “go out of your offices, reach out to the people, particularly the beneficiaries, and personally monitor the progress of projects on the ground.”

He advised the officials to automate their offices and data. “It is just a three-month-long exercise, but will enormously help you in analysing ground reality over the week, month and year, and enable better focus, planning and outreach of the programmes, and in achieving the target,” he said.

Expressing concern over the school dropout rate, drug addiction, and execution of women and girl child-related welfare schemes, he said that “our officials and government machinery must put in concerted effort to implement the socioeconomic programmes on ground.”

He expressed appreciation for the efforts being made by SHGs and NGOs to rehabilitate drug addicts. After listening to the story of a recovered drug addict, the governor said that “such reformed youths need to be made anti-drug ambassadors at the state level, and should help others to reform.”

Among others, Deputy Speaker Tesam Pongte, MLA Phosum Khimhun, DGP Anand Mohan, DC (i/c) S Mining, and SP Kirli Padu attended the meeting with the governor. (Raj Bhavan)