DLCC meeting on VPRP held

TEZU, 14 Dec: A district-level coordination committee (DLCC) meeting for the village poverty reduction plan (VPRP) was held at the district secretariat here in Lohit district on Thursday.

Presiding over the meeting, Deputy Commissioner (i/c) Kamaleshwar Rao S urged all the line departments to provide necessary support to the ArSRLM, and commended “the work being carried out by the ArSRLM.”

SISD DTC Oyin Pertin said that “the VPRP is an effort to make the planning process at the village level more inclusive and participatory.”

“The VPRP is a community demand plan prepared by the self-help groups’ network, which can be further integrated into the gram panchayat development plan,” she added.

Tezu BMM Tomai Suyang also spoke.

The programme concluded with a pledge to end gender-based discrimination and violence.

The meeting was attended by officers of the line departments, GBs, and PRI members. (DIPRO)