DLMC meetings held in Longding, Tezu

LONGDING/TEZU, 18 Dec: Longding DC Bekir Nyorak on Monday called for conducting circle-level monitoring committee meetings (CLMC) regularly “to ensure proper site-level monitoring.”

Addressing officers from all the departments during a district-level monitoring committee (DLMC) meeting here, the DC also asked the departments to “keep the admin officers updated on all projects and works being carried out in your jurisdictional areas, and in village organisations and panchayats, for smooth completion of works.”

Taking cognisance of banking issues raised as a problem by multiple departments, the DC said that he would convene “a separate, comprehensive meeting with the bank officials.”

Reassuring the officers that they have complete support of the administration, the DC sought “sincere cooperation from the line departments,” and asked the heads of offices to “consider your presence in your respective stations as an essential part of duty.”

He exhorted all the line departments to “strive for DPR-accurate work quality,” and encouraged all the officials to be prompt and forthright with their problems and seek the DC’s help whenever needed.

In Lohit district, DC Shashvat Saurabh took stock of the ongoing and completed projects under various departments during a DLMC meeting held in headquarters Tezu on Monday.

He emphasised on “the importance of generating accurate data to gauge at the level of the actual progress of the projects and schemes,” and urged the departments to “work efficiently and avoid unnecessary delays in implementation of the projects, as it would be against public interest.” (DIPROs)