IJU condemns attack on media persons in Kerala

NEW DELHI, 27 Dec: The Indian Journalists Union (IJU) joins its affiliate the Kerala Journalists Union (KJU) in condemning the attack on a Malayalam TV reporter and a cameraman in Wayanad on Tuesday by henchman of a landowner. While the culprits were apprehended, the union leadership demands that the state government ensure safety of media persons while doing their job.

According to media reports, reporter Deepak Mohan and Abu Tahir, a cameraman of Reporter Channel, were allegedly attacked by a gang near Panamaram in Wayanad on December 26. The KJU confirms that Mohan and Tahir had gone to Cherupuzha, near Panamaram, to report on the reported mud-filling of a wetland in the area. The gang allegedly in connivance with the landowner assaulted the duo. They were admitted to the community health centre at Panamaram with injuries and were later referred to the government general hospital.

Both the IJU and KJU appreciate prompt action by the Panamaram police and taking

four persons into custody following the incident. However, the Unions said that the attack should be seen as yet another case against press freedom and that the media persons were being stopped from doing their work. The government must ensure safety and security of journalists in the state and that there is a halt to cases of intimidation and harassment, the unions demanded.