No fuel shortage

Staff Reporter

DOIMUKH, 3 Jan: The Itanagar capital region, including Doimukh, has experienced a significant rush at fuel stations due to the ongoing strike by the Truckers Association known as the “Steering Chodo Movement” in response to the recent amendment to the Motor Vehicle Act concerning hit-and-run cases, leading to a boycott of loading and unloading of petroleum products.

A long queue of vehicles including, both two-wheelers and four-wheelers, has created a rush at all fuel stations across the region.

Meanwhile, a meeting was convened with the CDM of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Gumto, Mudang Tacho along with the Doimukh police station OC Phassang Simi and other officials.

Gumto circle officer Afa Phassang confirmed that there would be no fuel crisis from Wednesday evening.

Drivers of trucks and buses were on strike to protest against the amendment.