Commendable initiative

[ Kani Nada Maling ]

I appreciate the Yangfo Sporting Club for conveying a powerful message against polygamy during the official unveiling of its jerseys for the upcoming 49th Nyokum Yullo celebrations.

The theme chosen by the Yangfo Sporting Club under the Yangfo Welfare Society, ‘Say No to Polygamy’, is truly commendable.

I extend my gratitude to those insightful minds behind this initiative. It is crucial to acknowledge those dedicated to improving the welfare of women and children, recognising their role as the backbone of any vibrant society.

I vividly recall 15 December, 2021, when I moved a resolution at the 5th Tagin Cultural Society (TCS) conference held in Daporijo, Upper Subansiri district, to ban anyone who indulges in polygamy from contesting for the posts of the president and secretary-general – a proposal seconded by TCS women wing president Yater Nasi, also a former APSCW member.

The TCS, under the leadership of the then president and secretary-general, late Tabu Paktung and Lardik Kare, respectively, passed and adopted the resolution. Such societies must be applauded.

Lardik Kare, the then secretary-general of the TCS wrote in a post: “In the direction to eradicate social evils, the Tagin Cultural Society in its 5th TCS Conference-2021 has taken a historic resolution that no person who has two wives, that is, one who practices polygamy, will be eligible for the posts of president and secretary-general of the TCS.”

This milestone was created by the TCS in its mission for women empowerment and eradication of social evils. We feel proud to be the harbinger in the sphere of social reformation.

Indeed, proactive measures taken by diverse organisations can serve as a catalyst for positive social change, fostering values that are aligned with gender equality and women empowerment.

These efforts contribute to creating more inclusive and equitable societies. I firmly believe that a collaborative effort involving various youth organisations and community-based organisations can have a significant impact on creating a better society for women and children.

Every individual and group plays a crucial role in combating social challenges. Therefore, I appeal to all organisations to come forward and start the movement #SayNoToPolygamy. (The contributor is president of the Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society)