State BJP nullifies report of MLA’s expulsion

ITANAGAR, 7 Mar: The state BJP on Thursday nullified the report of Palin MLA Balo Raja’s expulsion from the party’s primary membership by former Kra Daadi district BJP president Nguri Kyokam.

In a press briefing on Thursday, the state BJP’s media cell in-charge Dolang Tako informed that “the state office of the BJP strongly condemns and nullifies Nguri Kyokam’s move,” and said that Kyokam “is trying to mislead the people of Palin.”

He added that the expulsion order was “unconstitutional and unofficial.”

Tako informed also that the state BJP’s disciplinary action committee has expelled Kyokam from the party for six years “for breaching the party discipline and non-compliance with the party’s order number BJP-50 (Org), 2023, dated 27 December, 2023.”

“The former Kra Daadi district president is against the Palin MLA and is attempting to allow an aspiring candidate to join the party without prior permission from the party’s high command,” Tako said.

“He expelled our BJP workers and his own office bearers without prior permission from the high command. He also obstructed the party’s programmes and disobeyed and defied the party’s order by dragging the matter to the court” Tako informed.

“There is no need to issue a show cause notice to the party member for a minor reshuffle, but the party issued a show cause notice to those members who are to be expelled from the party,” he said.