S&T secy reviews research project on traditional alcoholic beverages

ITANAGAR, 14 May: Science & Technology (S&T) Secretary Repo Ronya, along with Arunachal Pradesh State Council for Science & Technology (APSCS&T) Joint Director Dr Debajit Mahanta and Industries Deputy Director Goli Angu reviewed the completed project titled ‘Study on traditional alcoholic beverages (apong/chang) of Arunachal Pradesh for enhancing quality (colour, texture and taste), shelf-life and commercialisation’ at the Dibrugarh University (DU) in Dibrugarh, Assam, on Monday.

The research and development project, formulated by the APSCS&T, was carried out through active collaboration with the chemistry department of the DU.

Ronya suggested that, “while going for commercialisation of the technology through prospective entrepreneurial development, the indigenous touch in the traditional alcoholic beverages of Arunachal should be retained in terms of their taste, which would be an important criterion towards its wide acceptability by the local populace.”

He urged Arunachal’s industries department officials to “take initiative towards promotion and development of entrepreneurial ventures through prospective entrepreneurs in setting up of production and bottling plants.”

The DU’s Chemistry Department Senior Instrumentation Officer Dr Jitu Ranjan Chetia delivered a presentation on the completed project.

Angu and Dr Mahanta also spoke.