RONO HILLS, 21 May: Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with New Delhi-based Institute for Human Development (IHD) for academic and research collaborations.
The MoU was signed virtually on Tuesday by the RGU registrar and the IHD director, in the presence of RGU Vice-Chancellor Prof Saket Kushwaha, the university informed in a release.
“RGU, being a central university located strategically, has many important and relevant departments of studies, and particularly with a vibrant centre for development studies in the department of economics could provide ideal platform for academic interaction in the field of human development studies in general with the ideas and approaches of its faculty, and local resources will definitely push the boundaries of knowledge and understanding and strategic planning for future development through this MoU,” Prof Kushwaha opined.
The VC added that both parties will jointly develop and devise implementation strategies
 and time-bound action plans “for effective impact to meet the desired objectives and goals of the MoU.”
While officially receiving the documents, RGU Registrar (i/c) Prof Otem Padung said that it would strengthen the academic and research pursuits of the two parties.
Prof Padung further said that the MoU would pave the way for undertaking joint research projects in social sciences, particularly in areas relating to labour markets, employment, skill development, poverty, livelihoods, health, education, social development, marginalised social groups, women’s empowerment, planning and governance for balanced and inclusive development, corporate social responsibility initiatives, and other human development issues.
RGU Social Sciences Dean Prof Sarit Kumar Chaudhuri said: “Such formal association will benefit both the organisations in terms of academic exchange of ideas, people and outreach through holding of joint trainings for researchers and teachers in social sciences for updating and capacity building,seminars, symposia and workshops on issues of topical interests, and applied importance and relevance.”
IHD director Prof Alakh N Sharma expressed hope that the collaboration between RGU and the IHD would significantly contribute to the areas of research and studies on employment, gender, Northeast and human development issues.
“We also hope that the collaboration will provide opportunities for both the institutions to connect with wider networks of scholars in these areas from India as well as abroad,” Prof Sharma said.
RGU Joint Registrar (Exam & Project) Dr David Pertin informed that the validity of the MoU will be for five years initially, and shall be subject to renewal, “wherein the Centre for Development Studies of RGU’s economics department will be the nodal department for implementing the MoU.”
He further informed that the thrust areas of the MoU will be research and studies on growth and employment, education and capabilities, health and nutrition, gender and development, security and vulnerability, and governance and institutions.
CDS coordinator in RGU’s economics department,Prof Vandana Upadhyay, termed it “a welcoming step towards building cooperation and promotion of mutually beneficial exchanges.”
RGU Economics HoD Prof SK Nayak, Joint Registrar (Academic) Dr Nani Tamang Jose, Associate Professor Dr Ashi Lama, and IHD CEO Priyanka Tyagi also spoke.