Around 3.5 MT of garbage removed from Yagamso river

ITANAGAR, 22 May: Around 3.5 MT of garbage was removed from Yagamso river at Division-4 stretch during an extensive clean-up drive on Wednesday.

The clean-up effort, which coincided with the International Day for Biological Diversity, was a collaborative effort of All Abotani Colony Welfare Association, NGOs Youth Mission for Clean River and Abralow Memorial Multipurpose Society, and supported by Itanagar Smart City Development Corporation.

Ward No-6 corporator Gyamar Taz highlighted the importance of clean rivers and healthy ecosystem.

“We must protect our rivers, which are our lifelines,” he said, and urged the residents to refrain from throwing waste into the river.

Taz said that IMC trucks collect garbage from the door step of households every day.

He called for waste segregation at home to minimize the amount of garbage sent to Hollongi dumping ground. He commended the ward’s youth and public for their enthusiastic participation and assured continuous support to the YMCR team’s future environmental initiatives.

AACWA president Tamchi Kame echoed Taz’s sentiments, stressing that maintaining a clean colony is a collective responsibility.

“It’s not just up to the IMC or the government; every resident, tenant, shopkeeper, and permanent resident must contribute,” he said.

AACWA general secretary Maga Dada urged everyone to embrace the responsibility of keeping their environment clean.

“Collective efforts are essential for a healthier environment,” he said.

YMCR chairman S.D Loda urged people to reduce the use of single-use plastic products.

YMCR vice chairman Keyom Doni thanked the volunteers and residents for their participation.

Notable participants in the clean-up, included AAPSU assistant art and culture secretary Kanku Kabak, AAPSU women wing general secretary Khoda Yallam and singer Pakngam Lombi, who all contributed to the effort.

Over 80 volunteers, including student leaders participated in the cleaning drive.