Bagless Day marked with cleanliness drive

[ Prem Chetry ]

LUMPO, 15 Jun: Saturday being Bagless Day, the upper primary school (UPS) here in Zemithang circle of Tawang district organised a cleanliness drive, involving the school’s teachers and students.

UPS Headmaster Dorjee Neema said, “Along with literary and

games and sports activities, teachers and local NGO Further and Beyond Foundation (FBF) have been on a mission to make our village plastic-free.”

“Every Saturday, after either literary or games and sports events, all the teachers and students go to the streets to pick up plastic and urge the people to keep our village plastic-free,” he said.

“Plastic being non-biodegradable, its thriving use has been a menace for the environment, though the place is free from pollution and environmental issues. However, someday, not only the place but its purity will also be at stake if polluting agents are not leashed in time,” said the teachers and members of FBF.

Students and teachers participated in a cleanliness drive in the village. The garbage collected will be sent to the recycling plant in Jamtse Gatsal, Lumla.