Student activists damage Bailey bridge

Staff Reporter

ITANAGAR, 20 Jun: Student activists reportedly damaged the Bailey bridge over the Kumey River near Dha Hills in Gangte circle of Kra Daadi district on Thursday, leaving commuters stranded on either side of the river.

The district administration informed that six steel plates were taken out and dropped on the bank of the Kumey River.

It is learnt that tension erupted over the reelection of the All Palin Chambang Yangte Gangte Tarak Langdi Students’ Union (APCYGTSU) scheduled to be conducted from 20 to 23 June at the government secondary school in Gangte.

Kra Daadi SP Sumit Jha informed that “the intention of the miscreants was to stop delegates coming to Gangte for reelection of the APCYGTSU.”

The SP further informed that the miscreants have been identified and they are on the run.

“They have been identified and police teams have been detailed to conduct raids in Gangte area,” Jha informed.

Sensing the tension brewing in Gangte circle over the reelection of the zonal students’ organisation, Kra Daadi Deputy Commissioner Likha Radh had temporarily suspended the reelection process of the APCYGTSU until the conflicting parties resolved the conflict.