Women should stop wearing gold ornaments


With gold prices on an upward spiral, women in the country are under constant threat from chain-snatchers. Keeping in mind the rising cases of chain-snatching, I feel that women must stop wearing gold ornaments, and if at all they want to wear them, they must be alert.

The best way to curb such incidents is that women should start wearing artificial jewellery for daily use. They must keep their original gold ornaments for special occasions like weddings and parties, and be cautious whenever they wear them.

Though mostly women are targeted, even men are falling prey to such crimes. We cannot expect the police to remain ever vigilant to curb such incidents across the states.

I have no idea of what punishment is given to those who are caught stealing gold ornaments, but considering the high rate of gold prices, it has become an easy way for thieves to make money.

Self-restraint is the best measure to avoid being a victim of gold theft.

Jubel D’Cruz,
