APYC objects to burning of Gandhi effigy, calls BJP regime undeclared emergency

ITANAGAR, 26 Jun: The Arunachal Pradesh Youth Congress (APYC) on Wednesday condemned the celebration of the Black Day observed by the  BJP Arunachal in collaboration with the ABVP – Arunachal unit on 25 June wherein they burnt the effigy of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

The “Black Day” was observed to mark the imposition of Emergency across the country in 1975.

APYC president Tarh Johny condemned the burning of the effigy stating it a gimmick and an attempt to tarnish the image of a late leader who was

 the first female Prime Minister of India and also known as the Iron Lady of Indian politics.

“The BJP – Arunachal whose leaders call themselves Chowkidars forgot about the undeclared Emergency which is prevailing in recent years under the despotic leadership of Narendra Modi. Instead of tarnishing a late leader’s hard earned image with such cheap publicity stunt, they should focus and work for the welfare of the masses,” Tarh said.

 “The so called chowkidars should introspect on issues such as  misuse of ED/CBI, suspension of opposition MPs, inflation, growing unemployment, electoral bonds, press freedom, rampant paper leaks, unethical toppling of democratically elected governments in states like Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, etc which are evident of an undeclared state of Emergency,” the APYC continued.