Fmr minister Talo Mugli passes away

Staff Reporter

RAGA, Jul 18: Former PWD and power minister Talo Mugli passed away on Thursday at his private residence here in Kamle district after a prolongedillness.

He was 68 years old.

Born to late Tage Mugli in Muri-Mugli village in Kamle district on 5 October, 1956, late Mugli was known for his statesmanship in the Nyishi community.  He is survived by two wives and nine children, and 17 grandchildren.

Just after matriculation, Mugli’s political career began from being a gram panchayat member of Mugli village in 1978, and he went on to become an anchal samiti member from 1982-’85.

He was nominated to the Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly in 1985. He first got elected to the Assembly in 1990, and served as the power department deputy minister from 1990-’91. He went on to get elected for a third consecutive time to the Assembly in 1999, and became the PWD minister in 2002.

Apart from his illustrious political career, late Mugli was a recipient of the International Gold Star Award in 1999, awarded by the International Forum of Non-Resident Indians, New Delhi. The award was given in London.

Mugli was also conferred with the Statesmanship Award by the Nyishi Elite Society in 1999. He was also a former president of the Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee.

The Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee has sent its condolences and expressed shock at the demise of its former president.

The immense contributions of Late Talo Mugli to Arunachal Pradesh as a Minister and as asenior political leader of the state will be remembered and ever cherished, it said in a message.