Education can change society, state: EAC

ITANAGAR, 19 Jul: “Education has the potential to shape the future of any society or state, and the focus of everyone should be on it.”

Stating this, Itanagar EAC Takam Nicholas motivated students to pursue their dreams with perseverance and integrity. He also advised students to stay away from drugs and “focus fully on academics with a defined goal.”

He was speaking during a programme organised by the Takam Welfare Society (TWS) recently.

Seppa (E/Kameng) CO Takam Dado James, who also spoke on the occasion, encouraged students to follow their dreams and passions.

Resource persons Drs Takam Sonia and Takam Kanu spoke about “career potentials” and interacted with students.

TWS general secretary Takam Dari Sojik in his address highlighted the importance of recognising and encouraging academic excellence, and praised the hard work and dedication of the students.