Concern over rampant construction of hydro power dams in Arunachal

ITANAGAR, 18 Sep: A group of nature lovers, environmentalists, social activists and human rights defenders has submitted a letter to Chief Minister Pema Khandu expressing deep concerns over the rampant construction of dams in the state. The letter, which serves as a reminder of their previous correspondence from 24 February, 2024, emphasizes that their opposition to these projects is not anti-government or anti-development.

They highlighted the risks associated with Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF), referencing a warning issued by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) regarding several high-threat glacial lakes in the region. They expressed skepticism over a glacial lake study funded by dam developers, citing concerns about data manipulation.

In addition, the letter criticized the Wildlife Institute of India’s report on the Etalin Hydroelectric Project, which was deemed inadequate by a panel of 29 scientists for its incomplete data and insufficient survey duration.

The group raised alarm over a recent order from the Siang district DC, which they claim suppresses local voices and threatens community leaders for participating in discussions about the dams. They reiterated their opposition to the NHPC’s notification for the pre-feasibility report of the proposed Siang Upper Multipurpose Project as they underscored the importance of free, prior and informed consent for affected communities. They cited a judgment from the Gauhati High Court that mandates such consent to ensure safety of the indigenous communities as they reiterated that local opposition to the Siang dam has been documented for over 40 years.

They asked for reconsideration of the state’s approach to dam construction, urging respect for indigenous voices and environmental concerns as they requested a review of the State Hydropower Policy of 2008 to promote community-based renewable energy alternatives, which could benefit both local communities and the state government.