Camera captures tiger in Namdapha after over a year

[Bengia Ajum]

MIAO, 23 Sep: After more than a year, a tiger has been caught in a camera trap in the Namdapha National Park & Tiger Reserve (NNP&TR) here in Changlang district.

A tiger was caught in the camera in August this year from a camera set up in the core area of the NNP&TR. Recently, when the team went to check the cameras deployed in the park, they were overjoyed to find a tiger in the core area of the park.

In April this year, while patrolling, a park staffer had sighted a tiger on the Miao-Vijaynagar road but could not capture it in camera. In 2023, the tiger was captured on camera twice in the NNP&TR.

The park officials expressed happiness at the sighting of the tiger.

“This exciting sighting underscores the tireless conservation efforts in the region and highlights the thriving biodiversity of this unique ecosystem,” said NNP&TR Director VK Jawal.

He said also that these camera trap images of the tiger not only serve as a reminder of the incredible wildlife that inhabits the park but also reinforce the commitment of the park authorities to preserving their natural habitat.

“The dedicated team of the NNP&TR continues to monitor the health and population of this majestic species as part of the ongoing conservation initiatives,” he added.

He expressed gratitude to the residents of the fringe villages for their active support in protecting vital ecosystems and their inhabitants.