Disburse ISSE/SSA teachers’ salary


Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of our able and dynamic chief minister to the plight of the ISSE/SSA teachers owing to non-disbursement of salary in the scheduled period.

Every knock on the door traumatizes us; every ring on the phone sends our adrenaline up in agony. The very thought of visit from relatives and friends, of shopkeepers asking to clear the dues, of educational expenses of children, of dear ones getting ill – all give noxious experience.

To be honest, the lenders give us scurrilous looks. We are biting the bullets, having barely survived the last two months without salary. The rumbling stomach is exacerbating the situation for us.

Ironically, we teachers are entrusted to guide the future, yet our own present is in uncertainty. We are left struggling to meet even the most basic needs of our own family. It is not just a delay – it is a slow erosion of our dignity.

So I would like to urge the state government to expedite the disbursement of the pending salary at the earliest, so that we too can live with dignity.

An aggrieved teacher