Dist-level orientation workshop on PRI-CBO convergence

BASAR, 22 Oct: Leparada district hosted a district-level orientation workshop focused on universalization of Phase I of the Panchayati Raj Institution – Community Based Organization (PRI-CBO) convergence at the DC office conference hall here on Monday.

The workshop, organized by the Arunachal State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ArSRLM), aimed to enhance collaboration between PRIs and CBOs, thereby fostering improved governance, community engagement, and service delivery at the grassroots level. Additionally, the workshop sought to implement a comprehensive district strategy to standardize PRI-CBO convergence.

Deputy Commissioner Atul Tayeng in his keynote address emphasized on the vital roles of SHGs in empowering local communities, particularly women. He highlighted the successful collaboration with Kerala-based National Resource Organization Kudumbashree in promoting local-level convergence and stressed the necessity for line departments to provide information on flagship schemes and relevant data to the ArSRLM and its CBOs.

Kudumbashree Kerala state project coordinator Mohd Safder introduced the ArSRLM’s structure, its thematic focus areas, and major activities conducted through PRI-CBO convergence in pilot blocks.

His presentation underscored the importance of PRI-CBO convergence in enhancing democratic capabilities within CBOs and developing a pool of resource personnel for effective project implementation.

Other resource persons, including PRI-CBO convergence project nodal person Noni Nayam, ArSRLM DMMU officials Dugam Ete (DTC FI), Mesap Lapung (DTC LH), and DAA Phill Jiri reiterated the necessity for unity among the ArSRLM, the line departments, PRIs, and CBOs in Basar, which is one of the selected “immersion sites” for this project.

Representatives from several line departments, including rural development, agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, PHE, handicrafts & textiles, veterinary, social welfare, women & child development, and water resources gave presentations on their respective challenges, schemes, benefits, and strategies.

Sago Circle Officer Ting Paron emphasized that line departments make good coordination with ArSRLM and share requisite data and schemes under them with the ArSRLM to support the development of the local community. (DIPRO)