ZEMITHANG, 10 Mar: NABARD Regional Office General Manager (GM) Damodar Mishra inaugurated a rural mart here in Tawang district recently, in the presence of NABARD DDM Talung Taloh, Zemithang CO Deewan Mara, the ArSRLM block team, and members of SHG Yehmotsorgyeling.
“The three-year support provided by the NABARD to the SHG is implemented in collaboration with the ArSRLM, while the Indian Army and the district administration provided convergent inputs. The mart will help women entrepreneurs in marketing locally made products, thereby catering to the needs of locals and visiting tourists,” the NABARD informed in a release.
The GM said that the marketing support to the local SHG would benefit the residents of Zemithang, “which is one of the first administrative headquarters of India.” He urged the stakeholders to “make the intervention a model livelihood generation unit in the vibrant village zones.”
The DDM highlighted the NABARD’s initiatives, while the CO assured to provide support in making such projects successful, and requested the NABARD to collaborate in other areas of livelihood generating activities in the area.
The GM also visited the rural mart in Lumla and interacted with the members of SHG Diki Choiling.