YANGSEY, 25 Mar: Thirty-six village extension officials, including PLF representatives from SHGs and ArSRLM workers, attended a training programme on crop diversification, organised by the East Kameng KVK at Yangsey village on Tuesday.
The programme was aimed at upgrading the participants’ understanding and creating awareness on the role of crop diversification in improving farm productivity of small and marginal farmers under adverse climatic conditions and with limited resources.
The KVK technical team discussed concepts, types, methods, and advantages of crop diversity in addressing the farming obstacles needed for a profitable and climate-resilient agriculture to guarantee food and nutritional security.
A thorough discussion of integrated nutrient management in maize crop was also held in light of the growing popularity of maize crops, such as sweet corn and high-quality protein maize.
The event ended with an interactive session and the distribution of critical inputs such as organic inputs, biofertilisers, and maize seeds.