Arunachalee Hindi

Flights Of Fantasy Arunachal Pradesh is perhaps the only state in Northeast India without a distinct and unique language followed throughout the state. Assam has...

Chandrayaan: Voyage to ‘Polo’

Flights Of Fantasy After a successful launch on 22 July, 2019, Chandra-yaan-2 is presently orbiting the moon and is planned to land the Vikram lander...

Tax and office tax

Flights Of Fantasy The common citizens pay taxes to the government for buying every commodity and good from the market. The citizens pay tax for...

Real independence

Flights Of Fantasy India is planning to celebrate its 73rd Independence Day this 15 August. Independence Day marks the Indian republic emerging as an independent...

Infrastructure collapse during monsoon months

Flights Of Fantasy Monsoon rains have exposed the poor quality and poor planning of various infrastructures like roads, bridges, electricity, etc. From the western areas...

Dreams unlimited

Flights Of Fantasy Everyone sees dreams. Dreams are explained as a succession of images, ideas, remotions and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind...

Nature’s fury: Floods, quakes, JE and power failure

Flights Of Fantasy It seems that Nature is angry with us. The last two months have been dominated by bad news. First it was floods...


Flights Of Fantasy The annual budget for Arunachal Pradesh was presented on 8 July. The projected total revenue and capital receipts for 2019-20 is Rs...

Separate time zone for North East…!

Flights Of Fantasy The Government of India recently rejected the demands of North East India to have different time zone compared to the remaining parts...

Monsoon menace: Siang devastation

Flights Of Fantasy The rampaging Siang river is devastating large areas of prime, fertile land on the left bank areas of Mebo subdivision. The major...

Unemployment and job creation

Flights Of Fantasy There is an emerging crisis in Arunachal Pradesh and the North East: growing unemployment amongst the restive youth of the region. As per...

Is Arunachal the new Bermuda Triangle?

Flights Of Fantasy On 3 June, an An-32 aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF) on a routine flight from Jorhat in Assam to Mechuka...

Time for action

Flights Of Fantasy After the longest ever election period, finally the results have been declared. The ruling BJP has overcome anti-incumbency and won absolute majority...

Responsibilities of the winners

Flights Of Fantasy The simultaneous elections were successfully conducted in Arunachal Pradesh on 11 April for the 60 assembly and two Lok Sabha (LS) constituencies....

Too much politics

Flights Of Fantasy With the conduct of the general elections in India and the simultaneous elections in Arunachal Pradesh, the political scenario is in high...

Clean elections

Flights Of Fantasy The ongoing simultaneous elections in 'peace loving' Arunachal Pradesh have been fiercely contested amid reports of violent incidents, arson, assault on government...

Racing against the monsoon

Flights Of Fantasy Amid the heat and dust of the elections, there is a mini-revolution underway in the left bank areas of Mebo subdivision in...

Election-omics: Public money back to public

Flights Of Fantasy Post elections, the markets of the towns and villages of Arunachal Pradesh are buzzing with activity. It is almost as if a...

Election postmortem

Flights Of Fantasy The simultaneous elections for the state assembly and the Lok Sabha were held in Arunachal Pradesh on 11 April. Elections were conducted...

Responsible voting

Flights Of Fantasy India is a democracy. Democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people, ie, a government in which...