Elections and NOTA

Flights Of Fantasy Voters should be aware that there is an option of NOTA (None of the Above) provided in the voting machine along with...


The elections are on us with the announcement of simultaneous Lok Sabha and assembly polls in Arunachal Pradesh on 11 April. The list of...

F-16 & Mig-21 dogfight over Pakistan

Flights Of Fantasy India and Pakistan has fought three wars in 1948, 1965 and 1971. Both countries have been involved in escalatory armed conflicts during...

Pakistan and Abhinandan

Flights Of Fantasy The recent few days have seen some tense moments involving two neighbours, India and Pakistan. India and Pakistan have fought three wars,...

Smile and laugh, please

Flights Of Fantasy As a society, are we too serious in life? It appears that Northeasterners smile less, laugh less, and appear more serious at...

February is here

Flights Of Fantasy The previous month was marked by good and not so good news. The good news included the sanction to open seven new...

Arunachal Rising

Flights Of Fantasy Arunachal has witnessed many major milestones being accomplished in the field of infrastructure, education, health and governance during the last few months...

Pristine and salubrious winters

Flights Of Fantasy Winters in Northeast, especially in Arunachal Pradesh, are a delight to experience. The weather is cool and salubrious, the air is crystal...