People of TCL have right to demand autonomy: ENNG

[ Pisi Zauing ]

CHANGLANG, Aug 18: The Eastern Naga National Government (ENNG) in a press statement on Tuesday expressed objection to the recent remarks by some civil and student organizations that there are no Naga tribes in Arunachal.

Terming the remarks “an attempt to humiliate the Naga tribes of TCL region,” the ENNG said the people of the three districts “have every right to place their demand before the union government for an autonomous district council for speedy and balanced development.”

It expressed gratitude to the Centre “for considering to grant two autonomous district councils for Manipur and TCL in Arunachal under the 6th schedule of the constitution.”

The ENNG urged Chief Minister Pema Khandu and the ministers and MLAs of Arunachal to support the Patkai autonomous district council “for the larger interest of the region and the state of Arunachal Pradesh.”

It also appealed to the people of the TCL region to “maintain cordial relation for peaceful coexistence with fellow tribal brethrens of the state.”