Covid vaccination for children aged 12-14 yrs launched

National Vaccination Day

ITANAGAR, 16 Mar: National Vaccination Day was observed across the state on Wednesday with the launch of the Corbevax vaccine for children in the 12 to 14 age group and the felicitation of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) for their performance during the Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization (IPPI) drive in February this year.

The National Vaccination Day is observed every year on 16 March to convey the significance of vaccination as well as its role in public health. It also marks India’s victory against polio disease.

In the capital, Health Minister Alo Libang launched the Corbevax Covid-19 vaccination for children at the Covid vaccination centre of the Rama Krishna Mission Hospital here. Corbevax is manufactured by Biological Evans, Hyderabad.

Speaking on the occasion, the minister appealed to the parents to get their children vaccinated.

“Do not believe in rumours on vaccines,” he said and appealed to the parents to protect their children from Covid-19 by administering two doses of the vaccine.

Three best performing ANM and ASHAs of Itanagar block were also felicitated on the occasion.

The NVD was also observed in Naharlagun, Karsingsa and Chimpu blocks under Itanagar Capital Complex and best ASHAs and ANMs of respective blocks were felicitated.

Lohit: At Tezu, DC Marge Sora launched the Corbevax vaccine at the Zonal General Hospital.

On the occasion, best ANM Supa Karhap of the Zonal General Hospital and best performing ASHAs Jamuna Tamang of Tezu town and Anita Tindya of Tafragam village were felicitated.

Tawang: National Vaccination Day was celebrated at the Khandro Drowa Zangmo District Hospital, here in Tawang district on Wednesday.

Deputy Commissioner Kesang Ngurup Damo appreciated the sincere services delivered by doctors, health workers and ASHAs during the pandemic, and expressed his happiness on Tawang being a zero-Covid patient district since 15 March 2022. At the same time, he alerted the people to be cautious and continue to follow Covid-appropriate behaviour.

DRCHO Dr Rinchin Neema spoke on the importance of the day. “National Vaccination Day is celebrated every year on the 16th of March because oral polio vaccine was introduced in the country on this day in the year 1995, and the last reported case of polio in the country was in the year 2011.”

The DRCHO also informed that vaccination against Covid-19 for 12 to 14 year-olds will begin in the district from tomorrow (17 March).

DMO Dr Wangdi Lama and ZPM Tsering Dorjee conveyed their gratitude to the health workers for their tireless service and lauded the role played by ASHAs in all the health activities.

Later, the DC and ZPM felicitated the best ASHA and best female health immunization workers of Tawang and Kyidphel block.

The day was also celebrated in Jang and Lungla sub-divisions.

Lower Subansiri: At Yazali, Deed PHC ASHA Likha Nyen,  Yachuli PHC ASHA Nabam Rinia and Yazali CHC ANM Taba Rinya were felicitated for their outstanding contribution towards vaccination programs (Routine Immunisation and Covid-19) on  the occasion.

At Ziro also, the day was celebrated with felicitation of ASHAs and nurses. In Tirap district, the National Vaccination Day was celebrated under Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav  in Khonsa, Namsang and Lazu blocks in a befitting manner.

Tirap: In Khonsa block, Deputy Commissioner Taro Mize awarded the best performing ASHAs and ANM, namely Chaham Wangpan, ASHA Chasa village, Neban Siksa, ASHA, Old Lainwang village, Thosen Ruttum, ANM  of PHC, Borduria  with certificates of appreciation.

The DC appealed to the award winners to work more harder with dedication and also lauded the entire personnel of the health department, including doctors, nurses and other health workers for their dedicated services during the Covid pandemic.

Earlier, DRCHO Dr Nidak Angu spoke about the National Vaccination Day and its significance.

Papum Pare: NVD was celebrated by the Papum Pare District Health Society with the launch of the Covid-19 vaccination drive for children in the age group of 12 to 14 years at the  SDO office  ground on Wednesday.

Attending the programme, Doimukh CO Dr Mumne Borang appreciated the services rendered by health workers and requested the health department to continue to carry forward the yeoman services.

Papum Pare DMO Dr K Perme explained about the importance of NVD. Doimukh CHC MO Dr Messing Pertin also spoke.

To mark the day, ANMs/ASHAs were felicitated with certificates of appreciation and a skit was presented by nursing students of the North East Nursing School of Health Sciences and Tago Memorial Hospital, Nirjuli.

The NVD was also celebrated across the district, including at Balijan and Kimin.

East Siang: Deputy Commissioner Tayi Taggu launched the CorBEvax vaccine at the Bakin Pertin General Hospital vaccination centre here in East Siang district.

The NVD was observed in three blocks of East Siang district.

Three ANMs and six ASHAs were awarded with commendation certificates for their outstanding performances in the IPPI.

The ASHA awards were received by Nyum Perme, Nirola Tayeng, Amping Ratan, Pel Perme, Bomik Ragi and Oti Taku.  ANMs Elina Mize, Minam Rome and Agam Ering also received commendation certificates in recognition of their outstanding performance based on the IPPI.

In Ruksin, ASHAs Oti Taki and Bommik Ragi and ANM Agam Ering were felicitated during the NVD at the Tasi Panggeng Community Health Centre (TPCHC).

Congratulating the winners, Ruksin EAC Jacob Tabing urged all ASHAs and ANMs involved in routine immunization to give special attention to head counts and house visits. He also advised getting efficient, reliable beneficiaries’ data and to vaccinate all eligible children.

The EAC emphasized on achieving 100 percent immunization coverage of all children and to make Ruksin block disease-free.

TPCHC in-charge Dr Kadum Jonnom congratulated all ASHAs and ANMs for their untiring work and dedication. (DIPROs)