Millet thresher demo and distribution prog

TAWANG, 12 Oct: A ‘millet thresher demonstration and distribution programme’ was organised by Almora (Uttarakhand)-based Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS), in collaboration with the Tawang KVK, here on Thursday.

Conducted under the NEH programme of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, the programme was attended by 20 farmers from Bleting, Buri, Gipsu, Kharteng, Kitpi, Lumtsang, Namet, Shakti, and Shernup villages.

During the programme, VPKAS Director Dr Lakshmi Kant shared insights into the efforts undertaken by the VPKAS to promote finger millet in the district. He also highlighted the successful adoption of the early-maturing and high-yielding finger millet variety, VL Mandua 376, and the ongoing endeavour to bring about farmers’ participation in seed production.

Dr Kant also shed light on the inefficiency of the traditional millet threshing methods and the benefits of the VL millet thresher-cum-pearler, which saves time and labour, reducing drudgery.

He urged the Tawang DC to “consider including the millet thresher in the state government subsidy schemes to benefit more farmers.”

He apprised the participants of the steps taken to facilitate organic certification for finger millet producers, enabling them to command higher prices for their produce.

Tawang DC Kanki Darang encouraged the farmers to adopt new crop varieties and agricultural technologies to lower production costs and increase agricultural income.

District Agriculture Officer Toli Bam offered his department’s assistance in making new agricultural technologies accessible to the farmers, and to address the challenges they face.

Later, 13 threshers were distributed to the farmers by the DC and Dr Kant for community use.

The event was attended by, among others, VPKAS scientists Drs NK Hedau, RK Khulbe, DC Joshi, and Hitesh Bijarniya, as well as SDO KB Kayastha and scientists from the Tawang KVK. (DIPRO)