FDP on academic techniques organised

ITANAGAR, 28 May: The political science department of Himalayan University (HU) here organised a faculty development programme (FDP) themed ‘Exploring new academic techniques: Research and publication through AI tools’ on Tuesday.

“This FDP was one among the first to be held in higher educational institutions (HEI) in Arunachal Pradesh,” the university informed in a release.

Addressing the participants, the department’s head DrDipongpou Kamei highlighted the need for exploring the latest techniques in academic research and publication.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the latest tools that provide new ways of learning. No longer do we depend on the traditional face-to-face teaching – we’re now embracing blended, online and hybrid learning too, each of which has been driven by technological advancements,” said Dr Kamei.

HU registrar Vijay Kumar Tripathi said that “AI is serving as a new catalyst in HEIs, forcing faculties’members to reconceptualise teaching and learning, among other areas,” and urged the faculty members, staffers and students of the university to “catch up with the new technology to advance your careers.”

During the technical session, which was compered by assistant professor Yapi Maling, physics department associate professor Dr Jijo P Ulahannan delivered a presentation covering three principal areas, viz, the origin of AI and how it has slowly become an important tool in production, teaching and learning,among other things; the change and continuity of AI and how it is becoming an important aspect in HEIs; and a demonstration on different AI tools that are applicable for quick research and publication works.

“The practical demonstration of AI tools for academic research, especially in reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, learning, processing and perception were new a experience for many participants,” the release stated, adding that “it also highlighted cutting edge tools where a researcher can adapt and integrate a wide range of techniques, including search and mathematical optimisation, formalisation of logic, methods based on statistics,and such.”

Political science department assistant professors Daksap Ete and Gerick Ninu also spoke.