Growth drivers for Arunachal

Flights Of Fantasy

[ M Panging Pao ]

Hamara Arunachal… the largest state in the Northeast and also one of the lesser developed states of the country. Arunachal is one of the special category states and is largely dependent on central assistance for plan investment. As per official reports, Arunachal continues to remain a poor state with inadequate basic infrastructure and low economic growth. The state is lagging far behind even in comparison to other northeastern states in most of the indices of socioeconomic development. Despite being rich in natural resources, the state is not in a position to harness its vast potential like hydropower, tourism, agri-horticulture, etc.

Towards making Arunachal a better developed state, the following economic growth drivers should be focussed on and strengthened.

The first growth driver is electricity. Despite being the largest producer of electricity in Northeast India and producing excess electricity, the power scenario in the state is erratic, with frequent failures and very low voltage, mostly caused by poor transmission network and infrastructure. Due lack of stable electricity, most industries and businesses are running on diesel generators, which are not sustainable. In fact, a few industries are winding up due lack of electricity. Erratic power supply is also adversely affecting tourism due lack of geysers, air conditioners, ATMs, mobile networks, etc. Agri-horticulture marketing is adversely impacted due non-functioning cold storages due lack of electricity. Despite abundant fruits, fruit processing industries are lacking due lack of stable electricity.

Uninterrupted electricity will also allow students to study, perform better and more man hours can be gained in all sectors.

The second growth driver is roads/railways/airports. Although road infrastructure and bridges have improved a lot, many challenges remain. Many newly constructed roads are damaged due poor quality work, lack of adequate drainage, etc. The first priority should be good quality all-weather roads connecting the capital with all district headquarters and district headquarters with supporting towns of Assam.

Thereafter, these roads can be extended to connect other towns/villages. Good roads will ensure faster travel time for passengers, goods, heavy equipment and products. Good roads will reduce losses of products/goods due to spillage and boost tourism. The Trans-Arunachal Highway is a good beginning and needs to be expedited. Railways and airports have also improved but challenges remain.

The third growth driver is bureaucracy. Streamlined, simplified and clearly laid down laws, policies and time-bound implementation will lead to efficient fructification of schemes/projects. Efficient administration will lead to expedited implementation of projects due less paperwork, faster clearances, less and pre-operative expenses, thus inviting more investments in the state. Today there are more policies, more paperwork and less investment in the state. A truly single-window clearance system is needed for industrial/commercial development.

There are many more growth drivers. For a start, if we begin focusing and rigorously implementing the growth drivers described above, Arunachal will take off on the path towards development in the next few years. Like our prime minister says, we need ‘less government, more governance’. Happy Solung to all the readers! (The contributor is retired Group Captain, Indian Air Force)