ITANAGAR, Nov 29:The Arunachal Pradesh Information Commission (APIC) has imposed a fine of Rs. 25,000 each to Hydro Power ZiroExecutive Engineer, Lod Naku, Bhalukpong Divisional Forest Officer, V.K.Jawal and Aalo WRD Executive Engineer, T. Kamcham for refusing to furnish information sought by the information seekers.
The APIC stated that on 1st August 2018, the Hydro Power Ziro Executive Engineer, Lod Naku was asked to furnish detail information pertaining to implementation of Paguk MHS Hydel at Palin since2008 to till date by Tako Olo which was denied by the concern Public Information Office.
Further, Bhalukpong Divisional Forest Officer, V.K.Jawal was asked to furnish information by Tamchi Sima pertaining to implementation of TFC, Campa, SIDF, SADA and Sketch Map of Khellong Forest Division Bhalukpong which was denied by the concern Public Information Officer.
Aalo WRD Executive Engineer, T. Kamcham was penalized for furnishing partial information to Nyami Yorpen on implementation of various MIP Projects within Mechuka Assemble Constituency under AIBP schemes for the period of 2013 to 2016.
The commission further issued notice to the concern Public Information Officers to furnish the sought information to the information seekers failing which they would be penalized under relevant section of the Right to Information Act.
The Information Commissioner, Abraham K. Techi further invoked section 19(8) (b) of the Right to Information Act and directed the Executive Engineer, PWD, Yingkiong, R.N. Singh to compensate Amin Danggen the information seeker an amount of Rs. 22,360which, he had incurred while seeking the information pertaining to construction of road bridges, walls, drains and other maintenance work from Likor to Paling.
The APIC further directed the PIOs to produce the sought information before the Commission on 10 December next, failing which the commission will invoke section 20(2) of the RTI Act and recommend for disciplinary action.