Democracy and election propaganda

Dear Editor,
India is the largest democracy in the world, and our constitution is an amalgamation of all the stable democracies that existed around the time it was drawn. The universal adult franchise is the ultimate weapon of democracy; our freedom fighters fought tooth and nail to achieve this. But it is very grim and sad that our democracy often described as vibrant is at an all-time low.
I cannot remember a more propaganda full elections than this time around. Not a single party is talking about the issues of farmers, unemployment, economic sustenance, infrastructure, poverty, malnutrition – and the list goes on. Everybody seems to be more worried about religions and their protection, as if these religions came into practice just a couple of years back. These religions have been there for centuries and will remain there, but it’s easier to brainwash people with cows and pigs.
Our incumbent government celebrated when India leaped to the 77th place in the Ease of Doing Business report, but no tweets were made on the gender gap index report and the hunger report. No Twitter handles were changed when the unemployment data was suppressed from being made public, and there was no opposition leader to present himself as protector of independent institutions with hostile takeover of RBI and lateral entry in IAS cadres taking place. Moreover, if you raise these issues as a common man you are branded as liberal, pseudo intellectuals, anti nationalist.
Recently, my friend branded me as anti-Hindu just because I raised a simple question whether the so-called protectors of religion know about their own religion. Have they read any scriptures, literature or Vedas or Upanishads? So, basically, your Article 19 has been just thrown out of the window.
You cannot question your own representatives anymore. Are we still living in a democracy? Its offshoots have begun to show even in Arunachal Pradesh, with violence occurring all around, and the case of Kurung Kumey has started a new trend in the politics of Arunachal, which is not only dangerous but has the potential to change the very fabric of the tribal society. We have become more divided over the years just because of petty politics of a few men who lust for power and money and are ready to go to any lengths for it.
The future of politics in the state is in our hands. If we are to save the nation, we must first impose our tribal ethics on our state’s politics.
Ask not what the country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country!