SSA teachers to go on state wide leave

Staff Reporter
ITANAGAR, Oct 26: Over 3000 primary and upper primary schools are set to be affected if the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan teachers go on their proposed state-wide casual leave from November 6 to 8 next.
Addressing reporters on Thursday, the Central Executive Committee, All Arunachal Sarva Skhisha Abhiyan Teachers’ Association (CEC, AASSATA) informed that the teachers have all decided to go for a mass casual leave following non-fulfilment of their demands.
Association General Secretary, Techi Bollo informed that the ultimatum given to the government on September 20 last has expired and is without any results. Accordingly, all district units of the Association will join in the mass democratic movement in the form of a peaceful dharna at their respective district headquarters from November 6 to 8.
The demands of the CEC, AASSATA include enhancement of salary at par with regular teachers under Director of Elementary Education and in compliance with the 7th CPC, along with gazette notification and batch wise regularization.
Bollo further said that the Association would head for an indefinite strike if the government does not consider its demands.
When questioned about how the mass leave would affect students, Association President Tarak Agung Tarh said that the government should come up with clear-cut policies so that children are not affected.
He added that schools with regular teachers would not be affected drastically.