ITANAGAR, Nov 29: While 86,608 families in Arunachal have been enrolled under the CM’s Arogya Arunachal Yojana (CMAAY) and the PM’s Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), 3,521 patients have availed the schemes’ benefits till date, said Health & Family Welfare (HFW) Principal Secretary Dr AC Verma.
He was speaking during a review meeting chaired by HFW Minister Alo Libang here on Friday to take stock of the status of the implementation of the two health insurance schemes.
During the meeting, which was attended by, among others, the HFW secretary, the RKM Hospital (RKMH) secretary, representatives of Niba Hospital and Heema Hospital, the FW director, the TRIHMS director, and the CMAAY-PMJAY CEO, Dr Verma informed that 24 hospitals have been empanelled under the CMAAY – three in the state, and 21 outside it – and said the health department is “working out modalities to get more reputed hospitals/corporate hospitals such as CMC, Vellore, Apollo Hospitals, Fortis, etc, under the CMAAY.”
He also informed that the RKMH, Itanagar, has signed and MoU with the state government “to roll out the schemes in the said hospital very soon.”
Libang in his address urged the private hospitals in the state to “get empanelled under the schemes and serve the needy people of the state.”
He informed that, “if necessary, the scheme guideline of the CMAAY shall be amended to empanel more hospitals.”
The minister requested the health department and other stakeholders to make the CMAAY and the PMJAY “vibrant and seamless, and also create more awareness about the schemes.”