Capital DC seeks cooperation of bank authorities in developing parking spaces

ITANAGAR, Oct 14: Capital region deputy commissioner Komkar Dulom on Wednesday sought the cooperation of the banks for the development of parking spaces near banks and erection of parking banners, etc under their corporate social responsibility programme.

He urged the bank authorities to work along with the administration to check the nuisance of haphazard parking, especially in front of banks during office hours.

The DC was addressing a coordination meeting with lead bank Manager S Ranjit Singh, representatives from other banks and personnel of the traffic cell at his office here on Wednesday.

The DC has also urged the denizens of Itanagar capital region to cooperate with the administration and to abide by the traffic rules, and develop proper parking sense.

 “It is the social responsibility of every individual to make the capital region a beautiful place to live in and regulating traffic would definitely contribute a lot towards it,” the DC said.

Many strategies for better traffic management were also discussed during the meeting.

Among others, SDO Sangeeta Yirang attended the meeting. (DIPRO)