13-day micro entrepreneurship development training prog begins

DAPORIJO, 29 Jan: A 13-day ‘micro entrepreneurship development training- cum-mushroom cultivation and food processing programme’ started at Rijo conference hall here in Upper Subansiri district on Friday.

Addressing the inaugural ceremony, the Upper Subansiri DAO explained the importance of food processing and entrepreneurship. The DAO also encouraged the participants to set up small-scale industrial units to become self-reliant.

Informing that all industrial units’ registrations are done online nowadays, the DIC said, “Any entrepreneur willing to set up units can approach them for help and guidance any time.”

The Rural Bank manager, the Daporijo SBI field officer and KVK scientist in-charge also spoke on the occasion.

Sixty-nine trainees are attending the programme, which is sponsored by the NABARD, Itanagar, and organized by the Rural Development Society, Naharlagun. (DIPRO)